

As followers of Christ, we know that God calls us to be good stewards of everything that He has put into our hands. GCI Canada is tremendously grateful for the generous giving of God’s people. We are aware that your giving allows us to partner with churches all over the world to see the saving grace of Christ spread across all nations. Throughout scripture God impressed upon those who love Him to support the ones who do the work of the ministry and we fully recognize and are aware of the seriousness of handling that giving with integrity and wisdom.

We appreciate your support for the gospel and ministry work of Grace Communion International Canada. We are thankful for the financial resources God makes available through people who are our fellow laborers. Since we are a non-profit organization, your donation is tax-deductible in Canada.

Spending of funds is confined to GCI Canada approved programs and projects. Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as “restricted” with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the GCI Canada, any remaining “restricted” contributions will be used where most needed.

Most online donations are now processed through the CanadaHelps online giving service. CanadaHelps makes it easy to donate using a form like the one above, and to set up recurring gifts. After you donate, they will send you an email confirmation.

Donate Now

For those who would prefer to mail a cheque, please send your cheque to:

Grace Communion International Canada
50 Barnes Street
Winnipeg MB R3T 4Z7

Other Ways to Give

We appreciate your support for the gospel and ministry work of Grace Communion International – Canada. Please contact us by phone at 1-306-653-2705 or by e-mail at for information about INTERAC, e-Transfer and other giving options.